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duben 16, 2022

Autoři MT Times jsou studenti ze třídy 2.ZVS. Jejich jména jsou Václav Dvořák a Zuzana Mertová.
Budeme se Vám, milým čtenářům, věnovat naplno a poskytovat informace, které budou nejen důležité, ale i zajímavé. Dozvíte se zde co nejvíce o našem oboru a o životě studentů.

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duben 16, 2022

  1. proč jsme založili The MT Times

  2. rozhovor s Gianna Hickmann

  3. top 5 důvodů, proč si vybrat náš obor

  4. názory studentů + odkaz na dotazník 

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program DofE

DOFe je program, který pomáhá k seberozvoji a motivuje nás k dokončování svých cílů. Jako dobrovolnictví jsme si vybrali noviny, abychom i ostatní informovali o dění na naší škole a novinkách.

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Vznik a založení novin je z části také kvůli našemu seberozvoji. Chceme se toho naučit co nejvíce a odnést si mnoho zkušeností, které nás v budoucnu mohou posunout dále.

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Interwiev with Gianna Hickmann

Gianna Hickmann and Zuzana Mertová

1. What do you like about the Czech Republic and why did you choose it? 

- I had been to the Czech Republic once before for only a few days, but I had a really good first impression and all do the people I met were very friendly. This is what made me want to apply to the Czech Republic so I could spend a longer time here getting to know the people, culture, and history. 

2. What do you miss here compared to America? 

- I miss being able to drive my car and the accessibility of having a car, but on the other hand, I also really enjoy being able to walk to work every morning. 

3. What do you think about our food and culture? 

- I think the food here is great. It is a little challenging since I am a vegetarian, so I haven’t been able to try a lot of the traditional Czech food, but what I have tried has been very good. The culture is also really cool here, I love that everyone spends their evenings doing things they like such as being active, working in their gardens, or doing any hobbies they might have. 

4. What other rules did you have at school than ours? 

- At my school in the USA, we had a dress code we had to follow, we didn’t change our shoes when we got to school, we had a stricter discipline system in place, and we don’t have the same students in all of our classes like I have noticed happens in the Czech Republic. 

5. Would you like to return to the Czech Republic? (Why ?) 

- I would always like to return to the Czech Republic. This country will always be special to me after spending such a long time here. I would really like to bring my friends and family from back home here to experience a little bit of the life I’ve been living here. 

6. What did you try here for the first time and what was it like? 

- I’ve tried lots of new things such as dancing lessons, ice skating, and skiing! I have not been very good at these things, but it has been incredibly fun trying and learning new things. 

7. Would you like to change something here? What would it be? 

- The only thing I would change would be my students’ opinions of themselves. A lot of the students I encounter think quite poorly of themselves or their educational abilities, and I would just want them to know how smart they really are. 

8. What do you do for a job and what does it entail? 

- In the United States I studied Disaster Preparedness Emergency Management. This is a job that encompasses all types of disasters such as natural, man-made, or terrorism and my job would be to prepare for the disaster, and then when it happens the response and recovery after the disaster takes place. 

9. What is your dream and motivation to fulfill it? 

-My dream is to live a long and successful life. I think my motivation to fulfill it changes as I change because my definition of successful has changed a few times in my life already. 

10. Do you have an interesting / funny story about what happened to you in the Czech Republic?

-Nothing super crazy or funny comes to mind, my biggest challenge is always checking out at the grocery stores in town. The cashiers ask me a bunch of questions I never know how to answer. For me it is very stressful, but for everyone else I am sure it is quite funny! 😆

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  1. učitel Kastner - skvělý učitel, který vás připraví do života a zároveň naučí i novým věcem

  2. je to první obor s tímto zaměřením, který se v Čr nachází, jiný a ani podobný nenajdete

  3. praxe do vašeho osobního života - naučíme vás zdravému živ. stylu a současně i profesionálnímu vystupování s lidmi, nebudete litovat !

  4. možnost cestování + poznávání hotelového prostředí a nových lidí

  5. mnoho zaměření, které využijete v dalším studiu a i ve svém osobním životě

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